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Put simply, SSL Certificates are an integral part of your email solution. The certificates certify your domain as a known and trusted source to end-user devices. Without this certificate email connectivity would be interrupted.

On older mail servers there used to be a self-signed certificate essentially built into the system, however with security changes and new operating systems, a more secure environment is required so Microsoft has introduced the need for an SSL certificate to authenticate to the server.

You will see this error message (below) or something similar if you now need an SSL Certificate, or if yours has expired.

We can easily set up an SSL Certificate for you, provided it hasn’t expired you will have no downtime.


What is an SSL Certificate and do I need one?
Contact us if you think you may require one or for a quote
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What is an SSL Certificate and do I need one?

What is an SSL Certificate and why do I need one?

Put simply, SSL Certificates are an integral part of your email solution. The certificates certify your domain as a known and trusted source to end-user devices. Without this certificate email connectivity would be interrupted.

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